1. My full name is Drew Lenore Zandonella-Stannard. I did not fully master its spelling until the ripe age of eight.
  2. I started this blog in October, 2002 the night before I had a twenty page sociology paper due and not a single word typed.
  3. I got a B on the paper.
  4. I live in Seattle with my beau, Ian.
  5. I work as a writer/blogger for a marketing firm.
  6. I often find myself so excited by my benefits package that I suspect that I've suddenly turned forty seventeen years early.
  7. I am a big supporter of the afternoon nap. See number 65.
  8. I am allergic to everything. Cats, dogs, grass, trees, flowers, strawberries, dust, mold, dairy, smoke. Usually, I just throw caution to the wind and proceed to enjoy all of them. Mold sandwich, anyone?
  9. I graduated from Smith College two years ago. It is not a "girls' school without men." It is a "women's college without boys."
  10. I once won a coloring contest at a local grocery store. The prize was a disposable camera.
  11. I make hip crafts. I'm also a knitting groupie. My knitting skills have never progressed past a very long scarf, but it was a very cool scarf.
  12. I do not enjoy long walks on the beach or vanilla scented candles.
  13. Despite my enrollment at the feminist hall of higher education, sometimes I find myself dreaming of pot roast, girdles, babies in jumpsuits and a Craftsman style abode.
  14. My domestic fantasies are second only to my lust for technology and culture.
  15. My future home will have built-in bookshelves.
  16. I save everything. Notes from elementary school, ticket stubs, ribbons, post cards, photographs, emails, pencil toppers, receipts. Nothing is trash.
  17. That said, I am a very clean person with many boxes.
  18. That said, I am an organizational goddess. I am a fan of planners, folders and shelving. Oh, shelving.
  19. I haven't ridden a bike since 1995.
  20. I have a thing for dogs with scrunched up faces and sinus problems.
  21. My future dogs will wear sweaters in the winter. I would most likely dress them up on Halloween.
  22. I have been in love three times in my life.
  23. My television addiction is slowly being lessened by a professional life and interpersonal relations.
  24. Now I just rent old PBS specials from Netflix.
  25. I grew up in Seattle, where my parents owned their own coffee roastery and were staunch co-op supporters.
  26. That said, I'd love a double tall Americano with room for cream, please.
  27. My parents are two of the coolest women I have ever met.
  28. They were the 350th gay couple to marry in Massachusetts and will celebrate their 24rd anniversary next June.
  29. I am the product of donor insemination.
  30. My father was a hilarious and brilliant man.
  31. He died of AIDS in 1997.
  32. No, I am not HIV positive.
  33. I am an only child.
  34. I have always wanted a younger sister.
  35. I realize that acrylic nails are somewhat trashy. This does not stop me from possessing an unbridled passion for them.
  36. Things I have had stenciled on my nails: hearts, stars, music notes, and graduation scrolls.
  37. I do not have a driver's license.
  38. I ride the bus everywhere I need to go.
  39. Therefore, I am an environmentalist by default.
  40. I am a Taurus through and through.
  41. I once received a spray tan that left me with large brown spots on my rear. Never again, never again.
  42. Ear candles make me quiver with pleasure.
  43. So does cheese.
  44. I enjoy fine dining, but I'd kill for some Frito pie and a Corona with lime.
  45. I have three tattoos.
  46. At one time I was addicted to the Brown Fizzy Teat (Diet Coke). I now try to stick to seltzer.
  47. I snore, but I've been told it is inoffensive.
  48. I've been known to walk and talk in my sleep.
  49. I enjoy the great indoors.
  50. However, I have explored the Ape Caves of Mt. Saint Helens, hiked portions of the Appalachian Trail and survived two earthquakes.
  51. I used to collect massive amounts of Marilyn Monroe memorabilia.
  52. My favorite piece was an oil on wood varnished portrait painted by a grizzly old man from New Hampshire.
  53. The portrait was purchased for me by an ex-boyfriend who shared in my Marilyn obsession. He later came out.
  54. Actually, I have dated two gay men in my day.
  55. Both of them were borderline pathological liars.
  56. One now lives in New York. The other is a small-time porn actor in San Francisco.
  57. I now collect kitschy religious memorabilia of the Catholic persuasion.
  58. I believe in God.
  59. I believe that God is a non-gendered being.
  60. I voted for Kerry.
  61. I am left handed.
  62. I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease in 1998.
  63. My version of Crohn's leaves me achy, nauseous, dizzy, and glued to the toilet.
  64. A combination of my medication and the disease itself leaves me perpetually tired.
  65. Thus, I am a marathon sleeper.
  66. Flare-ups of my disease are brought on by stress.
  67. I've been hospitalized three times for Crohn's.
  68. Prior to my diagnosis, I missed almost five months of junior high.
  69. I graduated anyway and lost fifty pounds. I looked like Mary-Kate Olsen.
  70. Fortunately, I've since been much healthier.
  71. Unfortunately, my brush with an Olsen-level body mass was brief.
  72. Two months ago I noticed a new beauty mark on my toe. I didn't know that could happen.
  73. I have a chicken pox scar on the right side of my forehead and one behind my left ear.
  74. I am afraid of the dark.
  75. I am terrified of dying alone.
  76. I am scared of becoming horribly disfigured, getting lost in the woods, or being pursued by a serial killer.
  77. I am not afraid of needles, blood or domesticated animals.
  78. In misguided youth I sang in an Ani Difranco cover band.
  79. I did a four-year stint as a DJ for WOZQ 91.9FM.
  80. I have worked as a wedding planner, a gallery coordinator and a substitute teacher.
  81. I am either passionately committed to my writing or completely fed-up with myself.
  82. In high school I won the Presidential Public Service award two years in a row.
  83. The second year, I received a little button that said "citizenship."
  84. I am a faithful reader of Dooce, Finslippy, Fluid Pudding, Mimi Smartypants, More Than Donuts, Que Sera Sera, Ready Steady Go and much, much more.
  85. My homepage is set to Gawker.
  86. I also enjoy Overheard in New York, Pink is the New Blog, Post Secret, and much, much more.
  87. You can find me on Flickr and Vimeo.
  88. My heels are always cracked and dry, no matter what I do.
  89. My skin, however, is always amazingly soft.
  90. I am a natural brunette.
  91. I have been a blonde, a red-head and once a sort of off-yellow color with blue highlights.
  92. 3 is my favorite number.
  93. I don't have a favorite color.
  94. I use too many hair products.
  95. Mascara, foundation and a good eyelash curler are essential beauty items.
  96. So are lip balm and moisturizer.
  97. No matter how bad my day is, I always wash my makeup off before going to bed.
  98. I can write with my toes.
  99. I can play a mean ditty on the piano.
  100. I'll have a gin and tonic with lime.